The Blueprint
The Australian Building and Construction Industry Blueprint for Better Mental Health and Suicide Prevention was launched by MATES in Construction in 2018, with the support of Beyond Blue, the CFMEU, National Fire Industry Association, Master Plumbers Australia, Master Builders Australia and Queensland Major Contractors Association.
The Blueprint for Better Mental Health and Suicide Prevention draws on a robust body of evidence about initiatives that are proven to effectively engender mentally healthier workplaces. The Blueprint offers an integrated, multi-pronged approach to create healthier workplaces that support employee wellbeing.
Through adopting the Blueprint, companies work in a practical way one-on-one with MATES, and are supported to:
1. Promote the positive ways in which work can support mental health
2. Identify and reduce any harmful aspects of work
3. Provide training and resources to encourage mental health awareness & the development of suicide prevention skills
4. Promote early intervention for workers going through a tough time, so they can promptly access the help they need
5. Develop policies and plans that support employees to stay, or return, to work if they are experiencing mental health challenges
Organisations and individuals who are skilled in supporting mental health and wellbeing at work can also register their interest in working with companies on the Blueprint website. In this way, companies signed on to the Blueprint have access to tailored, professional input to develop beneficial policies and programs in any of the above five areas.
MATES is proud to report that to date, more than 15 companies have signed on to the Blueprint. These companies have successfully worked with MATES to identify their specific strengths and needs, and opportunities for implementing health-promoting initiatives. Visit the website to register your interest today.