Electro Group

MATES in Construction QLD/NT is grateful for the support provided by Electro Group's Industry Partnership, demonstrating commitment to preventing suicide among Built workers and the broader construction industry, in particular our young, electrical apprentices.

Electro Group is a not-for-profit organisation, whose core business is to recruit, employ and train electrical apprentices for careers in the electrotechnology sector, and is the only electrical training college owned by the electrical industry in Queensland. The focus is on the Electrotechnology industry only and therefore provides the best training possible, delivering pre-trade, apprenticeship and post-trade courses to the electrical industry.

Electrogroup trainers have extensive experience in all sectors of the electrical industry including Domestic, Industrial, Commercial Construction and Data, Voice and Solar. Curriculum programs are tailored to meet the demands of the industry through a dedicated business unit which develops Electrogroup’s industry-led training.

Long-term supporters of MATES in Construction QLD/NT, Electro Group places ultimate value on the necessary supports and training available to their workforce.